Here is the HTML code that created the canvas and loaded the image (to be inserted in the HTML view of your post) :
<canvas height="400" id="myimage" width="500" style="margin-left:30px; ">
Your browser does not support Canvas.
<br />
var mycanvas = document.getElementById('myimage') ;
if( mycanvas.getContext ) {
var ctx = mycanvas.getContext('2d');
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.crossOrigin="anonymous" ;
imageObj.src = 'https://dc788c82bdb50153.../street.jpg';
ctx.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0);
A small customization is required to use this code:
1) the attributes of the canvas tag must be edited: replace the height and the width with the actual height and width in pixels of the image you want to display.
2) In this post, I used an image located on my google drive. Replace the source of the image (
1) the attributes of the canvas tag must be edited: replace the height and the width with the actual height and width in pixels of the image you want to display.
2) In this post, I used an image located on my google drive. Replace the source of the image (
) with the actual URL of your image (it should be accessible from blogger).
Now that we know how to load a picture into an html canvas, let us see how we can transform this picture and turn colors into shades of grey. To do that we’ll use a small javascript function that replaces colors with shades of grey. Insert the following script in your post (in the html view):
<script> function drawImageInGrey(ctxObj, cvsObj ) { var imgData=ctxObj.getImageData(0,0,cvsObj.width-1,cvsObj.height-1); var col = 0 ; for (var i=0;i<;i+=4) { col = Math.floor( ([i] +[i+1] +[i+2] ) / 3 ) ;[i] = col;[i+1] = col;[i+2] = col; } ctxObj.putImageData(imgData,0,0); } </script>
Then apply the transformation to the canvas with the following javascript command (in the html view of your post):
<script> drawImageInGrey(ctx, mycanvas); </script>
Here is the result:
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